Only 1 .proj file - MSBuild says there are multiple ones
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David Thielen
2006-11-21 17:36:01 UTC

When I run MSBuild from the command line it tells me "MSBUILD : error
MSB1011: Specify which project or solution file to use because this folder
contains more than one project or solution file."

I do have both a .proj (mine) and a .sln (VS 2005 generated) in the
directory. But the docs say that MSBuild will run the .proj file if it is the
only one in the directory. Are the docs wrong?
thanks - dave

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Linda Liu [MSFT]
2006-11-22 07:34:07 UTC
Hi Dave,

When we run MSBuild from the command line, we usually specify a project or
solution file to build.

If we don't speicfy a project or solution file, MSBuild searches the
current working directory for a file name extension that ends in "sln" or

If there's only one solution or project file in the folder. MSBuild uses
that file.

If there is no project file but more than one solution files, MSBuild tells
us the "error MSB1011", which you have mentioned in your message.

If there is no solution file but more than one project files, MSBuild tells
us the above error as well.

If there is a solution and a project file and the project file's solution
file is JUST that one resides in the folder, MSBuild uses the the solution
file, otherwise, it tells us the above error.

I have performed several tests on this and confirmed it.

It seems that the solution file in your folder is NOT the corresponding
solution file of the project file in the folder.

FYI, to check if a solution file is the corresponding solution file of a
project file or not, you may open the solution file with Visual Studio and
see whether the project file in the folder is opened in Visual Studio as
well. If yes, the solution file is the corresponding solution file of the
project file, otherwise, the solution file is not.

Please try my suggestion and let me know the result.
If you have anything unclear, please feel free to let me know.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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